Changelog: Funnel Builder Basic

August 23, 2024 – Version 3.5.1

  • Fixed: Checkout – Advanced phone field flag were not showing correctly in devices with Retina Display since last update. (#6599)
  • Fixed: Checkout – Compatibility with Klavio showing sms consent text always since last update. (#6604)

August 22, 2024 – Version 3.5.0

  • Improved: Security measures have been strengthened to better protect the plugin. (#5919, #6540)
  • Improved: Checkout- product_id attribute added to delete cart anchor tag to support analytics plugin. (#6519)
  • Improved: Checkout- Address autocomplete improved for Mexico country. (#6531)

July 22, 2024 – Version 3.4.5

  • Fixed: Compatibility with Bricks theme updated for the embed forms. (#6489)

July 19, 2024 – Version 3.4.3

  • Improved: Checkout: Advanced phone field validations improved for a few countries.(#6394)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Placeholder option for the custom select fields in the checkout form. (#6473)

July 16, 2024 – Version 3.4.2

  • Added: Compatibility with WordPress version 6.6.(#6422)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Last step preview was not working correctly in some cases. (#5481)

June 28, 2024 – Version 3.4.1

  • Improved: Checkout- Smart login feature rate limit added to restrict five attempts per WooCommerce session. (#6365)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Generate Checkout URL tool copying old url during export and duplicate. (#6351)

June 25, 2024 – Version 3.4.0

  • Added: Checkout- New & improved user login experience with FunnelKit Checkout. (#5344)
  • Improved: Checkout – Language translations for the checkout form improved for different design templates. (#6133, #6205)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Checkout Field Editor for WooCommerce (Pro) updated. (#6103)
  • Improved: Checkout: Address autocomplete is not working fine for country Turkey. (#6187)
  • Improved: Checkout- German Translation for the checkout form improved. (#6205)
  • Fixed: Dynamic Checkout URL under optimization was not working in case of empty values. (#6231)
  • Fixed: Analytics to handle scenarios for COD orders getting canceled. (#6179)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Close checkout after a date optimization was not working with some builders. (#6087)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Quantity switcher in products section getting hidden in case of 100% coupon discounts. (#6332)

April 08, 2024 – Version 3.3.1

  • Improved: Checkout – Language translations for the checkout form improved for different design templates. (#5261)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Fatal error on checkout page when slingblocks plugin is deactivated and block editor template is set. (#6068)

April 02, 2024 – Version 3.3.0

  • Improved: Setting to adjust fonts on mini cart added for customizer templates. (#4957)
  • Improved: Checkout: Code improved to make custom fields more extendable. (#5888)
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Order attribution was not working on WC v8.7.0. (#5294)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Date field missing required option. (#5890)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Multistep field preview settings were not working correctly in a few cases. (#5942)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Hide quantity and deletion on free products. (#5255)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Do not display the embed form as an order-pay page. (#5257)
  • Fixed: Checkout: The billing last name field was causing for to not submit when used separately. (#5877)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Settings to override global checkout were hidden in the case of FB pro + Checkout individual plugin. (#5266)
  • Fixed: Checkout: The shipping country field was not populated after address autocomplete in a few cases. (#5287)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Address autocomplete improved for Denmark. (#5985)

February 21, 2024 – Version 3.2.1

  • Added: Checkout- Compatibility with the plugin Iubenda cookie solution by iubenda. (#5223)
  • Fixed: Checkout – Enable Icon and button subtext not working correctly on customizer templates. (#5722)
  • Improved: Checkout: Postal Code by Google address autocomplete now supports the Netherlands. (#5843)

January 25, 2024 – Version 3.2.0

  • Improved: Checkout – RTL styling for customizer templates. (#5657)
  • Fixed: Checkout – Enable Icon and button subtext not working correctly on customizer templates. (#5722)

January 25, 2024 – Version 3.0.1

  • Fixed: Google address autocomplete was not working when user saved new settings in v3.0.0. (#5608)

January 24, 2024 – Version 3.0.0

  • Added: Completely revamped admin interface and made all interfaces REACT gaining speed benefits and making workflow faster
    • – Dashboard
    • – Funnel listing
    • – Store checkout
    • – Funnel Step listing
    • – Global settings
    • – Single step tabs like Products, Design and Rules.
  • Added: New Dashboard widgets UTM Performance tracking & Referrer tracking Widget on Dashboard
  • Added: Global Analytics giving a site wide view
  • Added: New Global Reports for Funnels
  • Added: New Global Reports for Referrers
  • Added: Global Conversions (Orders/Options) with advanced Filters ( such as Funnels,UTM, Referrer etc…..)
  • Added: Export Orders, Optins and Referrers
  • Added: Single Contact Profile view with Conversion Activity, Order Details and Rich Insights
  • Added: Canvas Mode with ability to add/ delete nodes along with viewing of analytics
  • Added: New Order Bump Skins
  • Added: Ability to pre-check order bumps and hide them after selection
  • Added: Order Bump New Design Controls
  • Added: Ability to arrange multiple order bumps or upsells right from Step listings screen
  • Added: Enhanced Funnel Export with ability to check few Funnels and Export them
  • Added: Quick setup in Dashboard
  • Improved: Refactored parts of code for overall performance gains
  • Improved: Workflow for adding upsell offers, you can create new offers and adding to existing upsell sequences or create new upsell
  • Improved: Cloning steps workflow improved.
  • Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with Shipmondo updated.
  • Fixed: Checkout: PayPal Express checkout button showing twice with payPal for woocommerce addon.
  • Fixed: Checkout: Express button by Woo payment were not showing up since v7.0.0

January 20, 2024 – Version 2.17.2

  • Fixed: Express Checkout buttons styling on mobile devices distorted since last update. (#5578)

January 18, 2024 – Version 2.17.1

  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with EU VAT plugin updated. (#5492)
  • Improved: Compatibility with Divi builder updated. (#5525)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with PayPal for WooCommerce angelleye plugin smart buttons were loading outside the express button box. (#5540)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Coupon code input styling issue in case of native checkout created using blocks. (#5538)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Compatibility with oxygen builder updated. (#5558)

January 11, 2024 – Version 2.17.0

  • Added: Checkout: A new filter ‘wfacp_show_advanced_field_order’ was added to allow custom fields on new manual orders. (#5140)
  • Improved: Checkout: Better Handling for no default variation (any) case in the product switcher. (#5111)
  • Improved: Checkout: RTL styling for coupon field improved. (#5130)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Phone field showing distorted with multistep form in case of field label position outside. (#5328)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Down arrow for custom select fields on checkout was not working. (#5382)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Javascript error coming on checkout during removing the item with GTM server side plugin.(#5142)

November 24, 2023 – Version 2.15.0

  • Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.2.(#4830)
  • Improved: Allowed multiple IDs tracking for the Pinterest and TikTok. (#5087)
  • Improved: Checkout: Hardened plugin security for ajax request with in case of user with ‘customer’ role logged in. (#5337)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with YITH Dynamic pricing updated. (#5092)
  • Improved: Checkout: WooCommerce session sustained during reload in cases of failure. (#5080)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Theme Pro builder updated. (#5087)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Woodmart theme updated. (#5077)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WooCommerce Inpost updated. (#5079)
  • Fixed: Checkout: PHP fatal error while editing checkout page using oxygen builder. (#5306)
  • Fixed: Checkout: CSS fix when native checkout is built using the block editor. (#5091)
  • Fixed: Label position on checkout fields were not correct in case when email not used in form. (#5322)

November 09, 2023 – Version 2.14.3

  • Fixed: Checkout: Place Order button amount not updating on bump selection for customizer templates. (#5050)

October 20, 2023 – Version 2.14.2

  • Fixed: Checkout: Handled Fatal error on single order admin page when WooCommerce unable to unserialize item data.(#5038)

October 19, 2023 – Version 2.14.1

  • Fixed: Checkout: Address2 field was showing default collapsible for a few templates after import. (#5157)

October 18, 2023 – Version 2.14.0

  • Improved: Checkout: Google Address autocomplete UI improved.(#4777)
  • Improved: Checkout: Google address autocomplete now supports subpremise for the US. (#5045)

September 20, 2023 – Version 2.13.2

  • Improved: Custom text area field behavior when text is added with a line break. (#4783)

September 19, 2023 – Version 2.13.1

  • Fixed: HPOS Compatibility logging a notice inside WooCommerce logs. (#1623)

September 18, 2023 – Version 2.13.0

  • Added: WooCommerce HPOS feature compatibility. (#1622)
  • Improved: Checkout- Custom text area field behavior when text is added with a line break. (#4783)
  • Improved: Checkout- Google Address autocomplete now populates address_2 field. (#4972)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Prevent phone field from getting reset on step switching. (#4839)
  • Fixed: Checkout- tracks.js file not found in case of TikTok integration is enabled on checkout. (#4818)

June 20, 2023 – Version 2.12.0

  • Added: Checkout- Compatibility with FOX – Currency Switcher Professional for WooCommerce plugin. (#4686)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with FunnelKit Stripe Payment gateway updated. (#4682)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Mailchimp for WooCommerce By Mailchimp updated. (#4662)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Breakdance builder updated for customizer templates . (#4663)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Omnisend for Woocommerce . (#4670)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with angelleye smart buttons improved for multistep forms . (#4670)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Brazilian gateway updated. (#4694)
  • Improved: Checkout- Compatibility with Angelleye gateway updated. (#4715)
  • Improved: Checkout: Shimmer effect during product quantity changes. (#4309)
  • Improved: Checkout: up-to-date Subscription cart shipping html templates. ($4737)
  • Improved: Checkout: Express buttons compatibility with PayPal Commerce Platform by Angelleye. (#4698)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with WC Payments updated. (#4730)
  • Fixed: Checkout: PHP Error on renewal orders when the shipping address is unset. (#4734)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Console warning related to Google address autocomplete. (#4741)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Spain City was not getting filled using address autocomplete. (#4671)
  • Fixed: Checkout: Box shadow settings with Divi checkout widget was not working. (#4706)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Spain City was not getting filled using address autocomplete. (#4671)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Price not coming with strikethrough when discount is 100%. (#4692)

Mar 01, 2023 – Version 2.11.0

  • Added: Checkout- Settings to control price visibility on the place order button on customizer. (#4634)
  • Improved: Checkout- Styling for customizer multistep preview improved.(#4599)
  • Improved: Checkout- Styling for multi-select custom field. (#4598)
  • Improved: Checkout- Styling for shimmer animation on product switcher field. (#4614)
  • Fixed: Checkout- Settings to background color for Best value tag not working in some cases. (#4645)

Jan 27, 2023 – Version 2.10.0

  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with blocksy theme updated. (#4606)
  • Improved: Checkout: Order Pay page css improved. (#4603)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Divi theme editor improved. (#4585)
  • Improved: Checkout: Radio button behaviour improved during shimmer animation. (#4313)
  • Improved: Checkout: Compatibility with Avada theme updated (#4605)

Jan 10, 2023 – Version 2.9.1

  • Fixed: Checkout: 301 redirect was not working on dedicated checkout pages since v2.9.0. (#3930)

Jan 10, 2023 – Version 2.9.1

  • Fixed: Issue with advanced phone field showing country ‘Afghanistan’ when billing country and shipping country is hidden. (#4580)

November 09, 2022 – Version 2.7.1

  • Fixed: Admin design tab was not showing correctly on safari browser. (#4457)
  • Fixed: Intl field not showing correctly on multi-step form’s 2nd or 3rd step. (#4449)

November 07, 2022 – Version 2.7.0

  • Initial Release